Reborn Athena

21st Century Goddess of Truth and Justice

Coming Soon: Reborn Athena

 Ancient Goddess of Justice, Reborn in the 21st Century

This New Myth of the Reborn Athena fulfills an ancient Earth Oracle that foretold how the God-King Zeus would be overthrown by his child with Metis.

The Story:

After a long day in the courtroom, Chief Justice Athena returned to her office and found a mysterious manila envelope on her desk.

Inside she discovered photographs of a brutal assault and attempted murder. These old crimes crash-land Athena’s privileged life as favorite among King Zeus’ children.

Athena Birthed from Zeus’ Head

Athena never even knew she had a mother. Like everyone else, Athena thought she had been born, already full grown, from Zeus’ head.

Athena searches for her unknown mother, Metis

 To fulfill the Earth Oracle, Athena must come to terms with herself as the daughter of her unknown mother. Metis, her name is Metis. Athena also has to confront her father and take over his throne.

Athena wears Medusa’s head as a medallion on her chest

Thus begins Athena’s adventures that lead her on an epic journey … to becoming the Reborn Athena.

Queen Medusa was beautiful before Poseidon attacked her & Athena cursed her

Athena’s ancient enmity for Medusa must turn to friendship. How is that possible? Athena turned the beautiful Medusa into a viper-headed monster and wears Medusa’s dead head as a piece of jewelry.

To fulfill the Earth Oracle Athena has to break Zeus’ power over her and put him, King of the Gods, on trial for his crimes. If she fails, criminality will endure as law. If Athena succeeds, an era of new justice dawns.

Reborn Athena is the new Goddess of Justice for the 21st Century.


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